

Pdftk utility

This is a good utility to merge pdfs. The basic command to merge pdfs 01.pdf and 02.pdf is the following

                pdftk 01.pdf 02.pdf cat output merged.pdf

GPG File


                 tar -cf .tar.gz                                 # create tar file

                 gpg -c --no-symkey-cache -- cipher-algo AES256  # create gpg file

                 gpg .gpg                                        # open file

See more on the mental outlaw channel: 'Do this before putting your files in the cloud'

Burn Live USB

Here we learn how to burn a flesh drive with Linux using the dd util. The information below can be found here: Burn USB with dd

                sudo fdisk -l               # See drive. It might be something like: /dev/sda or /dev/sdb.

                sudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/arcolinux...iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress && sync