Source code for pysymmpol.partitions.conjugacy

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from itertools import pairwise
from numbers import Number

import numpy as np
from .young import YoungDiagram

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class ConjugacyClass: ''' Represents the conjugacy class of partitions. For example, the partition L = (5, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1) can represented by L = (1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 1, 4: 0, 5: 1) that means 2 rows of length 1, 3 rows of length 2, 2 rows of length 3, 0 rows of length 4 and 1 row of length 5. To avoid cluttering, we could simply write the vector k = (2, 3, 1, 0, 1) to describe the same partition. We do it in an internal method below, but we will return dictionaries to avoid confusion with the partitions. The dictionary must be in the form {1: k1, 2: k2, ..., n: kn} The vectors k = (k1,k2, ..., kn) represents one conjugacy class of the symmetric group S_n, and for this reason, we call it conjugacy class vectors. In terms of the Heisenberg algebra, the components of these vectors denote the power of the Heisenberg operator J_{-n} when acting on the vacuum state |0> ''' _conjugacy_vector: dict def __post_init__(self) -> None: ''' Validates the form of the dictionary: {1: k1, 2: k2, ..., n: kn} ''' keys = tuple(self._conjugacy_vector.keys()) val_A = all(y - x == 1 for x,y in pairwise(keys)) val_B = all(isinstance(m, Number) for m in self._conjugacy_vector.values()) if keys[0] != 1 or not val_A: raise TypeError("Argument must be a dictionary in the form {1: k1, 2: k2, ..., n: kn}") elif not val_B: raise TypeError("Values in the dictionary must be numeric.") @property def conjugacy(self) -> tuple: ''' Getter for the conjugacy class vector ''' return tuple(self._conjugacy_vector.values()) @property def rows(self) -> int: ''' Gives the number of rows in this diagram. This is the sum over the conjugacy. ''' return sum(self.conjugacy) @property def columns(self) -> int: ''' Gives the number of columns in this diagram. for the vector (1: k1, ..., n: kn), the number of columns is n: the last entry in the dictionary. (max iterates over the keys). ''' return max(self._conjugacy_vector) @property def boxes(self) -> int: ''' Gives the number of boxes in the diagram. ''' box = 0 for x, y in self._conjugacy_vector.items(): box += x*y return box
[docs] def draw_diagram(self, n=0) -> None: ''' Here we have a pictorial representation of the Young diagram associated to the conjugacy class in French notation. Here I just call the function for the partition states. ''' young = YoungDiagram(self.conjugacy_partition()) young.draw_diagram(n)
[docs] def conjugacy_partition(self) -> tuple: ''' Converts the conjugacy class vector to the partition notation. Example: [1,2,0,4] is equivalent to the Young diagram [4,4,4,4,2,2,1]. These vectors also denote the bosonic partition state that we can build with the bosonic states power of the operators J_{-n} that acts on the vaccum state |0>. The algorithm works as follows: We first create an empty array partition = [] and we define the range for the loop to be the length of the vector k: In our case [1,2,0,3], i = 0,1,2,3. - loop 01: i = 0 k[0] = 1: row = [1] partition = [] U [1] = [1] - loop 02: i = 1 k[1] = 2 row = [2,2] partition = [1] U [2,2] = [1,2,2] - loop 03: i = 2 k[2] = 0 row = [] partition = [1,2,2] U [] = [1,2,2] - loop 04: i = 3 k[3] = 4 row = [4,4,4,4] partition = [1,2,2] U [4,4,4,4] = [1,2,2,4,4,4,4] Then when we put it in decreasing order we find [4,4,4,4,2,2,1] ''' partition = np.array([]) for i in range(len(self.conjugacy)): row = np.repeat(i+1, self.conjugacy[i]) partition = np.concatenate((partition, row), axis=0) partition = -np.sort(-partition, axis=0) # Sorts the numpy array in decreasing order. partition = partition.astype(int) # Converts entries into integers return tuple(partition)